Communication is key. Interaction with fellow colleagues, customers and even friends and family is driven through ever evolving communication and collaboration technologies.

Today, businesses are able to make decisions faster and be more agile through collaboration. Without a doubt, a robust network and availability of information when needed, and where needed, is key.

Telekonet helps customers to build both wired and wireless robust network infrastructures so that collaboration tools are available 24x7x365. By using IP-Telephony, we have helped our customers cut costs of communication while providing necessary access points. Nothing replaces effectiveness of face to face communication, and hence we help our customers get their workmates together through Video collaboration to have more intimate communication thus building better work relationships.

The collaboration solutions we deploy offers tools that make it is easy for peers to share information such as spread sheets and presentations anywhere, on any device.

Besides communication with peers, businesses need to connect with their customers. We take pride in deploying the largest number of contact centre infrastructures in East Africa. The contact centre has become the face of an organisation. Our state of the art contact centre offers integration with various business applications and social media platforms, helping businesses to maintain maintain better customer loyalty andreact faster to customer sentiments, while managing the performance of customer facing sales and service representatives.

We have an ecosystem of partners who help us to achieve the necessary integration to offer end to end collaboration and customer service solutions.

Explore Unified Communications, Collaborations & Contact Center Solutions


Avaya solution strategy is about harnessing the business power of human interactions by bringing together the right people and the relevant information using the most effective means. Avaya solutions can help our customers make better decisions faster and serve customers more effectively at a lower cost.

02. Matrix Telecom Solutions

Matrix Unified Communications solution offers you an Advanced Unified Communication Solution which we believe will improve the effectiveness of Communication and Collaboration within your organization.

03. InterDialog UCCS – Contact Center Solutions

This is a leading provider of Unified Contact Center, Customer Interaction Management, Help Desk, and other Communication Solutions. Our solutions are reliable, robust, and scalable. Extensive domain expertise & knowledge helps us to develop and deliver Industry Specific CIM solutions and other Converged Voice and Data Products.

Unfied Communications Collaborations And Contact Center Solutions Partners

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