About Us

Founded in 2013 and incorporated in 2015, Telekonet Limited or more commonly known today as Telekonet, has remained at the forefront of Information Technology (IT) in Uganda for over 11 years, providing a wide range of solutions to successful local and international companies.

We at Telekonet understand that in order to compete successfully in this global market, companies and organizations, small and large, need to focus on their core activities whilst making the best use of IT to enhance productivity, improve business efficiency, revolutionize production processes, improve access to markets etc.

We also recognize that companies and organizations today depend on IT more than ever. It is important that they choose the right technology, protect their current investment in IT and enjoy a high quality of support.

Our statistics

11 Years


100 +

Happy client

20 +

Project done
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Telekonet simply provides crafted solutions suited for organisations of different sizes and backgrounds. Solutions that are above par.

Our Mission is to develop ICT Solutions in Africa to global standards with our expertise. We would like to be the partner of choice for organizations in this region by creating and building sustainable ICT enterprise solutions that are reliable, cost effective and are focused on meeting customers’ agile business needs.

To be “THE” brand for ICT Solutions in Africa by:
  1. Providing unmatched leadership
  2. Ensuring customer satisfaction and eliminating the need for alternatives.
  3. Bringing tomorrow’s technology today for sustainable relationships and business growth.

Our commitment is to deliver the best enterprise services available in the East African Region and the proven case studies confirms that our services match the very highest International Standards of Expertise.

Our leadership team inspires by example by promoting team work, we have consistently achieved our goals which reflect our shared vision and commitment.
We are here to answer your questions 24/7

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